Caricature, The Making Of

Caricature, How It’s Done

Step one : the rough sketch…

Loving Couple on Peacock and Goat Sketch Caricature

Step two, the final one : the inking and coloring…

Loving Couple on Peacock and Goat Caricature

Caricature, How It’s Done

How charming is that ?

Even more charming is the fact that absolutely anyone

can get caricaturized in such a cool manner.

Yes, YOU, your aunt, your neighbour, your teacher…ANYONE !

Now, imagine them on a goat !!! Or on a horse, or on anything else…

All of that is made possible by THE MOST AFFORDABLE CARICATURIST ONLINE.

Do not hesitate when you feel you can get cartoonized TOO !

The time has come for a great ROFLMAO !!!

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About Sashafromcaricaturemandotcom

Most Affordable Caricaturist Online!
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